July 27, 2024

Authorities in Kenya have once again issued a ban on all tourist vehicles of Tanzania origin from accessing Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) citing failure by Dar es Salaam authorities to respect the earlier proposal to break the impasse between tourism authorities of the two countries.

A same ban issued by Kenya in December last year came to a close in January after the two agreed to meet and resolve the issues.

According to a statement issued by Kenyan Tourism Cabinet Secretary Phyllis Kandie at a media gathering in Nairobi, Tanzanian tourism authorities turned down the good will they had reached by failing to convene negotiation meetings to resolve the matter.

“Those three weeks have now expired without our Tanzanian counterparts convening the meeting for the negotiations, Kandie said in an address to the media.

The two parties agreed last month to convene a high level meeting to resolve the issue after Tanzanian tourist operator vehicles owners had laid tools.

Trouble started when tour operators from Kenya reported a refusal by Tanzanian authorities to allow them entry into the country with tourists.

It was then that the Tanzanian government asked for time to enable negotiations between the two states in order to reach a working solution.

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