July 27, 2024
Kawira Mwangaza

In a recent turn of events, Governor Bishop Kawira Mwangaza of Meru County in Kenya narrowly escaped dismissal despite facing seven charges related to the alleged misuse of her office. The governor was accused of misappropriating public resources, and the verdict, rendered by a panel of 47 senators, saw a close divide with 28 senators declaring her innocent and 19 asserting guilt.

Miss. Kawira Mwangaza, aged 50, now faces additional charges brought forth by the County committee of Meru. These new accusations include bribery with government funds, misusing County resources, engaging in discriminatory practices, showing disrespect to fellow workers, resisting court orders, exhibiting authoritative behavior in the office, and unilaterally naming a new road without obtaining consent from colleagues. The governor’s fate remains uncertain as the legal proceedings unfold.

During the third allegation involving bullying, vilification, and the demeaning of other leaders, 44 Senators rejected the charge, while three gave their approval.

Moving on to the fourth accusation of illegal appointment and the usurpation of statutory powers, 26 senators opposed it, while 20 lent their support. One Senator refrained from casting a vote.

In the recent late-night session at the Kenyan Senate, amidst intense pressure and tension, Governor Mwangaza was acquitted of all charges. The Senate members, under the weight of scrutiny, discovered that personal conflicts within the County committee had led to baseless allegations against her. The Senate, unraveling the hidden motives of her accusers, declared Governor Mwangaza innocent.

Throughout the entire court proceeding, Mwangaza appeared visibly distressed, tears streaming down her face as she wiped them away during the ruling. However, as the verdict was announced, a wave of relief washed over her, transforming her tears of sorrow into tears of joy. It was a joyous moment of vindication for the governor, realizing that she had been falsely accused.

This marked the second instance where Governor Mwangaza had found herself entangled in legal battles, facing different charges. The previous charge had compelled her to face the prospect of being forcibly removed from office, an ordeal she endured within a span of just one year.

She pleaded not guilty of all the seven charges reveled on her according to the county MCAs.

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