July 27, 2024
President Laurent Kabila

A Democratic Republic of Congo legislator has says President Joseph Kabila will soon name a new government after accepting an official resignation letter from Prime Minister Adolphe Mozito. The prime minister headed the previous administration.

Lambert Mende, who is the former Information Minister, said the resignation forms part of a constitutional provision, which he said allows Kabila to name a new administration.

“After general election, the executive must resign to allow the head of state to make up the new government,” said Mende. “We presented our resignation to the heads of state, he accepted it, and has asked some of us who have not [a] mandate in the national assembly [to run administration] affairs until he names a new government very soon.”

Mende said it is unclear when Kabila will name his new government.

He said Kabila asked ministers of the previous administration, who are not members of the current parliament, to form the nucleus of an interim government.

“Congolese can expect from the president to appoint the government that will follow his program of his vision [that] he promised them during the election,” said Mende. “People expect a government that will allow [Kabila] to realize what he promised during the campaign.”

Designated ministers of the new government would have to be approved by the parliament.

Security analysts have credited Kabila for bolstering security with the help of the United Nations Mission (MONUSCO) to maintain law and order, as well as protect unarmed civilians.

Mende said Kabila has demonstrated his commitment towards maintaining peace.

“Congo is recovering its stability for quite a long time now and we don’t see that stability is under threat,” said Mende. “We are having some quarrels about electoral process, but we are settling these quarrels within the judiciary [and] with the Supreme Court. As far as stability is concerned, we are in a very good way of stabilizing the country.”

Kabila was declared winner of last November’s presidential election, despite protests from opposition groups who condemned the poll as fraught with irregularities.

A team of international election observers echoed similar sentiments saying the results of the disputed presidential vote were mismanaged and lacked credibility.

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